
Welcome to the home of Redemption®

Redemption® is a collectible trading card game of biblical adventure.

Players use Heroes to rescue Lost Souls, overcoming any Evil Characters that oppose them.

Cards come in two forms, starter decks and booster packs. There are two starter decks in each starter deck set. Each deck is ready to play and is specially balanced to play well against the other deck. This allows two players to start playing immediately without have to learn how to build a deck. It is highly recommended that new players start playing with the starter decks.  

When the starter decks have been mastered, you may custom build your own deck. Designing a new deck allows you to continually discover new strategies for victory. To build your deck, you may purchase booster packs where common, uncommon, rare, or ultra-rare cards are found. Currently there are over 1000 unique cards in Redemption®! Trading cards is fun too!

Inspiration for all Redemption® cards is taken from the Bible. We at Cactus Game Design strive to provide the best scriptural reference on every card.

Enjoy the fun and master the strategies! For Ages 7 and up.

Redemption News

NEW for Summer of 2023

Redemption Starter Deck Set: Israel's Deliverance

Latest Expansion Set released in 2023

The Israel's Rebellion card set.

For every $10.00 in your Redemption order on our site you will receive a free random pack.  Example: spend $60.00 to receive six (6) packs from Prophets, Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Angel Wars or Priests.


Links & Resources

Check out our message board community! Discuss card strategies, deck design, or trade cards and discuss deep theological issues while you make new friends!

Be sure to review the Redemption Tournament Guide and Host Application at our downloads page for the latest information on tournaments.

Looking for additional help with the rules or guidance with deck building and card combos then be sure to check out Land of Redemption.

Angel of God 2023 National Promo Card
We have a small amount of the Angel of God foil promo cards left.  As thank you for supporting Cactus Games and buying direct on our website here, all Redemption orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God foil promo card while supplies last.

Want to jump start your Redemption Collection?

These boxes include an assortment of cards from five Redemption expansion sets and contains a total of 500 cards. Expansions include Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Angel Wars, and Priests. Includes at least 50 Rare cards making the grab bag an excellent value!

2023 Final RNRS Results

Closed Deck 2-Player
Brian Jones (KY)

Booster Draft
Brian Jones (KY)

Type 1 2-Player
Tie - Brian Jones (KY) & Jay Chambers (MI)

Type 1 Teams
Jeremy Chambers (AL) & John Hendrix (AL)

Type 2 2-player
Jeremy Chambers (AL)



Have you misplaced our rules? Are you looking for the REG? The downloads page has it all.